Your Donation Will Help Provide Us With Much Needed Help To Start Our Programs

budget overview projection

The Hip Hop History, Education & Theory class is a comprehensive program that will teach students the history, theory, and practice of hip hop culture. The class will include instruction in DJing, breakdancing, emceeing, beatboxing, and production. Students will also learn about the business of hip hop, including marketing, finance, and law. The class will be taught by experienced hip hop artists and educators. Students will have the opportunity to work with professional equipment and to participate in hands-on activities. 

Project Goals: 

● Provide students with a comprehensive understanding of hip hop culture 

● Develop students' creative and artistic skills 

● Prepare students for careers in the music industry 

● Empower students to use hip hop to make a positive impact on their communities

Project Budget:

The total budget for this project is $10,000. This includes the cost of materials, equipment, and instructor salaries


Equipment The following equipment is necessary for the H.E.A.T. class:

Turntables: Turntables are essential for DJing and scratching. A good set of turntables will cost around $500.

DJ mixer:  DJ mixer is used to control the sound of the turntables and other DJ equipment. A good DJ mixer will cost around $1,000.

Speakers: Speakers are necessary to amplify the sound of the turntables and other DJ equipment. A good set of speakers will cost around $500.

Laptop: A laptop is necessary for running DJ software and other music production software. A good laptop for music production will cost around $1,000.

Software: DJ software is necessary for creating and mixing music. A good DJ software package will cost around $500.

Graffiti supplies: Graffiti supplies include spray paint, markers, and other materials used to create graffiti art. A basic set of graffiti supplies will cost around $200.

Breakdancing equipment: Breakdancing equipment includes a mat, a crash pad, and other safety gear. A basic set of breakdancing equipment will cost around $200.

Emceeing equipment: Emceeing equipment includes a microphone, a stand, and other accessories. A basic set of emceeing equipment will cost around $200.

Beatboxing equipment: Beatboxing equipment includes a microphone, a stand, and other accessories. A basic set of beatboxing equipment will cost around $200. 

Studio equipment: Studio equipment includes a microphone, a mixer, and other recording equipment. A basic set of studio equipment will cost around $1,000

Staffing & Volunteers

The following staff is necessary for the H.E.A.T. class:

Instructor: The instructor will be responsible for teaching the class and providing feedback to students. The instructor should have experience in Hip Hop culture and education. $5,000

Teaching assistant: The teaching assistant will be responsible for assisting the instructor and helping students with their assignments. The teaching assistant should have experience in Hip Hop culture and education. $2,000


The following insurance is necessary for the H.E.A.T. program: 

General liability insurance: General liability insurance will protect the organization from any claims that may arise from the class. $1,000

Equipment insurance: Equipment insurance will protect the organization's equipment from any damage or theft : $500