Donate Today And Help Us Reach Our $10,000 Goal

Please help The Hip-Hop Foundation by supporting our performing arts charity. You can donate any amount  you can. Your gift will help us create a free hip-hop after school program for the underserved youth in Philadelphia. This will be our first major project and it will make a huge impact in the community. So, by donating you are help us make history! We will also use your donations to create non-profit video documentaries that tell the stories of our community and to host fundraising events for other community charities. Don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter, with your name and email, and tell your friends and family about The Hip-Hop Foundation. Send a Link!


About The Hip Hop Foundation

We Are Hip Hop In Philadelphia

inspiring community growth through music & entertainment

The Hip Hop Foundation is a small non profit organization based in Philadelphia whose goal is to use the power of Hip Hop culture to influence positive change in urban communities. Our mission is, “Inspiring community growth through music & entertainment”. One way we do this is through the creation of awareness events & concerts that are sponsored by local businesses, showcasing prominent independent artists in the area and beyond to help get the word out about a cause. These events bring, sponsor, donors, volunteers, & more together in a collaborative environment with music, food, entertainment and education. One of the most important ways that hip hop concerts create awareness about social issues is by bringing people together. When people come together to listen to music, they are also coming together to share their experiences and to learn about the experiences of others. This can help to build understanding and empathy, which are essential for creating positive change. And this is what The Hip Hop Foundation is all about. Bringing the people together to invoke positive change and address important issues like mental health, curbing violence, education, artistic inclusion and more. In addition to raising awareness and educating people about social issues, hip hop events can also inspire people to take action

Why subscribe to the Hip Hop Foundation? We are a young hip hop art charity organization focused on the performing arts in the Philadelphia area. If you enjoy charitable giving and would like to support The Hip Hop Foundation, Please subscribe to our website. Our nonprofit organization is a 501C(3) charity organization using the art of hip hop and hip hop culture to inspire community growth through music & entertainment

How You Can Help

Donate Your Time & Talent

Interns & volunteers needed!

There are many ways you can help The Hip-Hop Foundation continue its important work. You can:

Donate to the organization's website

Volunteer your time

Attend one of the organization's events

Spread the word about The Hip-Hop Foundation Every little bit helps.

Thank you for your representing Hip-Hop!